
behold, world! this is what insomnia looks like!

two hours of sleep?
dim-witted partners in bio lab?
vegging out in front of antm while laughing my ass off because tyra really has gone off the deep end this time?

that about sums up my day.

i would like to know how the people in my bio lad got into my bio lab. (besides the obvious that it's a prerequisite course and therefore has no prerequisites of its own.....shush with the details.....)
i mean, honestly, people.
i have a learning disorder.
what's your excuse, then?

i realize that it is quite insensitive of me, but i find myself having little tolerance for people who are less intelligent than i am.
but really, it's not like i'm some genius. get with the program! it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that blood is a bio hazard and therefore should not be poured into the sink! this is like biology 101! people die from this stuff!

really this has become much more scathing than i intended.
work with me, i am running on two hours of sleep.

ah, college. you are so...................................
really, there's nothing quite like it.

what is this thing, you are doing, blogger? this justified alignment thing? i most definitely do not approve. do you see it up there? that "y" that is just hanging out? most definitely not okay.
i hate justified. i really do.


i think i have lost my appetite for blogging.
have i lost my need to spill my brain juices into virtual space? no idea.

really i think it is laziness.

oh laziness. you are ironically a very persistent pest.

was supposed to study for bio test. mission: failed.
poor boyfriend was left waiting for me to call him back (against my advice).

and adderall, you tricky bitch. maybe you should spend less time being useless, and start investing a bit more of yourself into doing your job.
(on a side note, spell check doesn't seem to understand "adderall". interesting. and yes, i am fascinated by spell check's vocabulary or lack thereof. don't judge.)